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Office Space

workplace SFT

for peace, productivity &

increased Profitability


Chronic pain affects 40% of your employees and impacts your bottom line more than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined.


Pain was estimated to cost the US up to $635 billion each year in medical

treatment ($300 billion, or $3,000 per person with pain) and lost productivity ($335 billion, or $3,350 per person with pain) (Institute of Medicine, 2011).


More than half of Americans have at least one stress related condition like depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders that interferes with their work and life. These stress-related conditions cost the U.S. over $1.3 trillion per year in treatment and lost productivity. ($2K per person in treatment and $8K per person in lost productivity.)


Somatic Functional Therapy™ offers your company a safe, effective, and scalable solution that has been proven in clinical research trials to reduce and resolve chronic pain and improve stress-related conditions.


Reduction and resolution of chronic pain and stress result in the reduction of healthcare costs associated with imaging, procedures, surgeries, absenteeism, and loss of productivity.


In fact our clients have suggested that for every 100 staff exposed to SFT™ training, there is a minimum of $100,000 in healthcare costs saved to the company. And the savings and improvement are ongoing. 

12-week workplace makeover

In only three (3) months, SFT™ can transform your enterprise. Starting with the management to the frontline, productivity will be increased, morale will be more positive, and workplace absenteeism due to stress, pain, and injury will be greatly reduced. Not to mention the decrease in actual healthcare costs to the company. 

© 2022 Somatic Functional Therapy® All Rights Reserved

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